Social Marketing & Communications

This page is dedicated to tools and resources that support the social marketing and strategic communication efforts of family-run organizations. To request social marketing technical assistance, contact Malisa Pearson at

While social marketing is key to family-run organizations getting their messages out to families and stakeholders, few family-run organizations have the staff or resources to develop and implement a social marketing plan.

FREDLA is pleased to provide a series of easy-to-use resources to assist family-run organizations of all sizes to create social marketing plans. Resources were developed by two seasoned social marketing consultants, Erin Cech and Cameron Macdonald.

We urge you to enlist your staff and board and the families you serve to help with social marketing for your organization. Messages about the value of family-run organizations and the benefits of peer support services are too important to keep to ourselves.


These resources were prepared by FREDLA with funding from the National Technical Assistance Network for Children’s Behavioral Health under contract with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Contract #HHSS280201500007C.  The views, opinions, and content expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

FREDLA Social Marketing Webinars

Amplify Your Family-Run Organization’s Voice: Social Marketing for Family-Run Organizations – Click here

Social Media Overview – Click here

Facebook Overview & Tutorials – Click here

Twitter Overview & Tutorials – Click here

Marketing on a $0 Budget – Click here

 FREDLA Social Marketing & Communication Resources

Marketing Checklist – Click here
Supplemental Guide for Marketing on a $0 Budget – 
Click here

Marketing in 15 minutes or less – Click here

Helpful Marketing & Communications Resources:

Facebook – Best Practice word count statistics – Click here

Social Media – Best times to post – Click here

Social Media – How to improve your engagement – Click here

Twitter – Trending Hashtags – Click here

Additional Resources from the University of Maryland Institute for Innovation & Implementation

Creating Your Social Marketing Plan – Click here
Remember Your Single Overriding Communication’s Objective – Click here

Social Marketing Tip Sheets

Some of the tip sheets include: