Family-Run Executive Director Leadership Association (FREDLA) Approved for a $15K Award by The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

The Family-Run Executive Director Leadership Association (FREDLA) is pleased to announce it has been awarded $15,000 from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) to begin developing a study measuring the impact of family peer support provider services. PCORI Pipeline to Proposal Awards enable individuals and groups that are not typically involved in clinical research to develop the means to develop community-led funding proposals focused on patient-centered comparative effectiveness research (CER). Established by the non-profit PCORI, the program funds three tiers of awards that help individuals or groups build community partnerships, develop research capacity, and hone a comparative effectiveness research question that could become the basis of a research funding proposal to submit to PCORI or other health research funders.

In this Tier One project, Improving Outcomes for Children with Mental Health Challenges and Their Families through Parent-to-Parent Peer Support, FREDLA will use the funds provided through PCORI’s Pipeline to Proposal Awards program to build a partnership of individuals and groups who share a desire to advance patient-centered outcomes research focused on children/youth with mental health challenges and their families. FREDLA will convene a stakeholder group of family leaders, researchers, and other stakeholders to design a multi-site study to compare multi-level outcomes for children/families receiving parent peer support in addition to traditional mental health services to the outcomes for children/families receiving traditional mental health services only. Along with family leaders across the country, Drs. Eric Bruns (Washington State Children’s Mental Health EBP Institute, University of WA School of Medicine), Bruno Anthony (Georgetown University) and Kimberly Hoagwood (IDEAS Center, NYU), will be involved in the project from the outset. More information on the project can be found at

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